Bharath College of Science and Management | Thanjavur

Words from Secretary

Prof.Punitha Ganesan


“An education is’nt how much you have committed to memory or even how much you know. It is being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don’t”

Anatole France

The above said Anatole France words are echoed on the vision and mission of our prestigious college where we throw the light on the unknown and make the students realize the fruitful change in them. We make every effort to cultivate academic excellence along with social thoughts and patriotism among the students community.

Started in 1993 with Indian Institute of Catering Technology and Hotel Management as the first institute with 7 students and today we have grown into 6 educational institute more than 3000 students passing out every year with bright colorful future.

We are the pioneers to implement new technologies in our institute to make the students experience world class teaching facility and mould their career in the right way.

I wish the staff and students for every sucess of their efforts towards theri academic excellency