Bharath College of Science and Management | Thanjavur

The PG Department of Computer Science in association with IQAC organized One Day Special Program on World Emoji Dayon 17.07.2023. Mr. D. Panneer selvam, B.Tech. (IT), Senior AI Developer, FFuturewise, Trichy has invited as a resource person. He delivered his special address by giving introduction about Emoji’s day history, how to install and run the emoji with python libraries. He also explained about the trending frameworks like Flask, Django, Pyramid etc. He demonstrated how to easily extract all Emoji’s from the text using regular expressions. He also discussed about converting the emoji to text, replacing Emoji with its meaning and also about the effects of Emoji in sentimental analysis. The program was presided over by Mrs. Punitha Ganesan, B.Sc., M.A., Secretary, Bharath Group of Institutions, Thanjavur and Dr. T. Veerasamy, Director and Dr. K. Kumar, Principal of Bharath College of Science and Management, Thanjavur, felicitated the program. Mr. R. Christopher Raja from III B.Sc.(CS) delivered his welcome address and Ms. Deepa from III B.Sc.(CS) presented her vote of thanks. Totally 110 students participated and got benefitted.