Bharath College of Science and Management | Thanjavur

The Departments of Mathematics, Business Administration & Hotel Management and Catering Science conducted a special women awareness programme on“ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN”on 01.09.2023 at Smart class, Bharath College of Science and Management, Thanjavur. The women awareness programme was sponsored by MALIN ENTERPRISES, THANJAVUR. All most 20 students participated and benefitted.

In the Inaugural function, welcome address was delivered by T.Annalakshmi.                  I BBA. Dr.K. KUMARPrincipal, Bharath College of Science and Management, Thanjavur, felicitated over the occasion. Special address was delivered by the Chief Guest                      Dr.P. KAVITHA, M.A., M.Phil., NET., Ph.D., Assistant Professor,Department of Tamil,Bharath College of Science and Management, Thanjavur.

            She discussed about the Control and benefits of Individual women. Only women areable to see the improvement socially and economically in the whole world. When women have equal access to Education, Employment and other opportunities they are able to contribute to the society as a whole. Vote of Thanks was given by V.Priyadharshini of I B.Sc., Hotel Management & Catering Science.