Bharath College of Science and Management | Thanjavur

Department of Hotel Management

Date : 23.02.2024

Nathamadippatti (Village)

Gantharavakkottai (taluka)

Educational Awareness Programme

Most of the people in rural areas of our targeted blocks are daily labors and having poor knowledge about education. Most of them are getting very low wages which is insufficient to their day to day lead. Most of the people make their children as their assistant for their day to work. The financial aspects are the important drawback to handicap them to send their children. More over all of them also unaware about an education.

We also find this fact from our survey conducted in Nathamadippatti (Village) Gantharavakkottai (taluka)

Our organisation has conducted the awareness programme through our Department Students about the importance of education and its impact. We also conduct the counseling programme to the parents about the importance of the education. More than 30 parents and their children are participated in this programme. This programme was felicitated by Dr. T. Veerasamy, Director, Bharath College of Science and Management, Thanjavur.