Bharath College of Science and Management | Thanjavur

On the 9th of August, 2023, the Department of Commerce Archives Club at Bharath College Of Science and Management orchestrated a remarkable event that seamlessly merged creativity with environmental consciousness. The “Waste from Art” competition, held as part of their ongoing efforts to foster sustainability awareness, marked a noteworthy stride towards reimagining discarded materials as avenues for artistic expression.

The event saw participants and art enthusiasts converging to transform waste into ingenious art pieces, highlighting the potential beauty in the discarded. By repurposing materials that might have otherwise ended up in landfills, the competition became a platform for showcasing not only artistic talent but also the profound significance of waste reduction and recycling.

The creative vibes resonated as participants unveiled their masterpieces, each an embodiment of innovation and resourcefulness. The event stands as a testament to the Department of Commerce Archives Club’s commitment to nurturing a generation of individuals who view the world through an artistic lens while advocating for a greener and more sustainable planet.